Marie Curie Part 2

Here is part 2. Thank you for still being here to listen. Back in Paris, the lovelorn Pierre was waiting. As soon as Marie got back to Paris, the pair quickly married and became a formidable scientific team. Another physicist’s work sparked Marie Curie’s interest in 1896. Henri Becquerel discovered that uranium spontaneously admitted a mysterious x-ray like radiation, that could interact with photographic film. Marie Curie soon found that the element thorium, admitted similar radiation. Most importantly the strength of the radiation depended mostly on the element’s quantity, and was not effected by physical or chemical changes. This led her to conclude that radiation was coming from something, fundamental within the atoms of each element. The idea was radical and helped to disprove the long standing model of atoms in the visible objects. next by focusing on a super radioactive ore called Pitchblende. The Curies realized that uranium alone couldn’t be creating all the radiation so where there other radioactive elements that might be responsible? You’ll find out on Part 3 the final one.


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