King Midas

King Midas ruled the kingdom Phrygia, with an uneven hand.  He was known in Greek mythology as a rogue ruler, whose doings to his people, distracted the gods. Midas spent his days spoiling himself and his daughter, Zoe in feasts, riches and wine. He always felt something with the god, Dionysus the of wine, carnival and performance. One day Midas saw a Satyr sleeping in one of his rose bushes, drunk on more then the scent of the flowers. Midas recognized the Satyr as one of Dionysus’s followers and let him nurse his hangover at the palace. Pleased with the king’s hospitality, Dionysus offered him one wish. Midas said, he wanted everything he touched to turn into gold, so the god sent the power to the king. King Midas went inside his house then started to touch everything his walls. His statues, candles, cups and mirrors. Exhausted and hungry from his rampage, Midas picked up a bunch of grapes, they turned to gold, when he picked up a loaf of bread, it turned to gold. Midas tired and hungry, lay down on his bed, but when he lay on his lush pillows they had turned to gold. Hearing him crying Zoe came in the room, but when Midas touched Zoe, she had turned to gold. After seeing what he had don’t he begged the god to rid him of his power, out of pity the god removed the curse, and everything turned back to normal. But is this the end?  


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