Icarus and Daedlus

Daedalus was jealous of his nephew and murdered him.  As punishment Daedalus was banished from Atheris and made his way to Crete. Daedalus became the technical adviser for the king at Crete. The king’s wife, Pasiphae, was cursed by Poseidon to fall in love with the king’s bull. Under the spell she asked Daedalus, to help her. Daedalus made a hollow wooden cow, so realistic to fool the bull. While Pasiphae hiding in the cow, she gave birth to the half-bull half-human Minotaur. Of course, the king was enraged and as punishment, Daedalus was forced to make an inescapable labyrinth, for the Minotaur. When it was completed, the king imprisoned Daedalus and his son Icarus on the top of the tallest tower, where they will stay for the rest of their lives. While Daedalus watched the birds, he found out how they would escape. He and Icarus would fly out of the tower.  Using the feathers that fell from the flock into the tower, and the wax from candles, he made two pairs of giant wings. As he strapped the wings on Icarus, he told him to stay in the middle, of the sea and sun. When they were ready, both men left the tower.  While they flew Icarus, was overwhelmed with the divine power and kept flying higher. All Daedalus could do was watch as his son fly higher, and higher, as soon as the wax on Icarus’s wings meted by the sun, and he fell to his death.


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