My breathing problems

OK, today I am sick with an asthma attack. For those who don't know what asthma, it's basically a sickness at the lungs that will always be there, (for people born with it) but you can only feel it when it attacks. Asthma can be triggered by airborne stuff like pollen, dust mites, animal fur, cockroach waste and maybe chocolate (That's what my grandmother says at least). Asthma can be caused by different things depending on the person. Asthma can be passed by genes or your just suddenly born with it. My asthma was passed from my grandfather. My uncle has asthma, my aunt though... I'm not sure. My mom has no asthma and she has five kids (Including me already). None of my siblings have asthma, butt we assume our youngest sibling might. I have a lot of the family sicknesses. Sometimes, I think I'm the only one of my siblings who has them at all! I will talk about other sicknesses maybe in my next post.

                                    Edited by my Butt Big Brother :P


  1. Your punctuation and capitalization are atrocious. I am sure you deliberately used two t's where there should only be one after the letters b and u. Nevertheless, I like this post; it's funny and made me laugh. Good(ish) job!


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