What I Did Yesterday!

OK, today for school I'm going to tell you what I did yesterday! Yeah, I know that's a little weird but I'm going to start. Yesterday, I woke up at 8:00 AM to have breakfast. After breakfast, I went back to sleep! I woke up (again) at 12:00 PM. After that, I just watched TV until 3:00 PM. Then I realized we had left over potatoes, so I made hash-browns! I will add the recipe on my next blog post. After eating the hash-browns (and half of Mommy's hash-brown), we cleaned the house and took our baths (And I dropped my tablet after I took my bath). Then went to bed.


  1. Because it's clean. Your editor did a good job. Just remember next time that "leftover" is one word IF USED AS AN ADJECTIVE (like, "leftover potatoes" but not if used as a verb, like "the potatoes were left over from last night").

    And "hash browns" is not hyphenated.

    A couple of issues on the last two sentences, but overall, pretty good!


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