How to make leche flan

You will need, 1 cup of bown sugar, 1/3 cup of water, 8 egg yolks, 2 250 ml packs Nestle all purpose cream and 1 400 gram can of Milkmaid full cream condensed milk. First get a pot of water and a steamer heat the water. Then grab a pan and put it on low put in the suger and water and wait for it to dissolve. Time to make the custerd in large bowl wisk the eggs, Nestle cream and Milkmaid milk, mix gentle. when your suger has turned into carmel put in the mold. Now pour in the custerd in the carameled mold. Let steam till cooked. You will know when its done when you poke it with a tooth pick and its clean when you pull it out. Last step put the cooked leche flan in the refrigerator to cool, then munch up.

                                    Thank you Nestle go to the original recipe in


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