
Showing posts from March, 2017

How to make a bath bomb

You will need baking soda, citric acid, corn starch, epsom salt, soap coloring or food coloring, a mold, caster oil and a essential oil. First in a big bowl mix together 1/2 cup of citric acid, 1/4 cup of epsom salt, 1/4 cup of corn starch and 1/4 cup of citric acid. Now in a small bowl mix together 3 teaspoons of caster oil, 1 tbsp of the essential oil, few drops of coloring and a tbsp of water. Now add the wet mix, little by little into the dry mix then mix it together, keep doing this till you run out of wet mix. Now put the bath bomb mix into the mold pack it in real tight. Now put the bomb in freezer for 10 minutes, now store the bomb till you put itin the water.

How to make a stress ball

You will need a balloon, funnel, water and corn starch. First put a little water in the balloon just to add weight. Now add 1 tbsp of corn starch in the balloon, then massage. Just keep adding a little water, and 1 tbsp of corn starch till the balloon is full. When the balloon is full tie the balloon closed.

How to make moon sand or kinetic sand

You will need shaving cream, corn starch, liquid detergent and food coloring. First in a big bowl mix together 1 cup of corn starch, 1/8 of a cup of detergent and 1 cup of shaving cream. Keep mixing till its like sand, now just add food coloring then play time.

How to make edible playdough

You will need rice cereal, corn starch, apple sauce, oil and food coloring. In a big bowl mix together 1/2 cup of corn starch , 1/2 cup of rice cereal, 1/4 cup of apple sauce and 2 tbsp of oil. Now keep kneading the dough till it does not stick on your hands. Just mix in the food coloring to finish.

How to make clay with cook

You will need flour, salt, cream ot tartar, oil, water and food coloring. First in a big bowl mix together. 1 cup of flour, 1/4 cup of salt and 2 tsp cream of tartar. put the pan on medium high and add 1 tsp of oil. Add the dry ingredients in the pan, add 1 cup of water. Stir until thick. Now add food coloring, place the dough on a counter with flour. let the dough cool then knead the it. Remember do not add gliter, it will ruin the dough, no matter how shiney it looks do not add it.

How to make butter slime

You will need glue, shaving cream, air dry clay, contact solution, yellow food coloring  and baking soda. In a big bowl combine 3 tbsp of glue,3 tbsp of shaving cream, 2 tbsp of contact solution and 1/8 tsp of baking soda. Keep mixing it till its like melted marshmallow. Now to make it like butter, mix a quarter cup of the clay in the slime. Add the yellow food coloring. Now knead the butter slime till the color is fully mixed in.

How to make air dry clay

You will need 1/2 cup of cornstarch, 4 oz of white glue, 1 tbs of lemon juice, 1 tbs of oil and food coloring. First in a microwaveable bowl, add in the cornstarch and glue. Mix them together and add in the oil and juice. Microwave it for 30 seconds, mix it then put the bowl back for another 30 seconds. Now knead it in cornstarch till it does not stick. Now add in a few drops of food coloring.

How to make puffy paint

You will need paint, glue and shaving foam . All you have to do is mix together, 1/2 cup of glue ,1/2 cup of saving foam and a little bit of paint. Then you cnuse a paint brush of a zip lock bar and start painting. Remember it will dry and then it will be a soft and spongey .

How to make flubber soap

You will need cornstarch, sunflower oil and hand soap or body wash, food coloring is optional. First in a big bowl mix together 1/2 cup of cornstarch. Then 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil and hand soap or body wash. Now add the food coloring. Just keep mixing till it does not stick to your hands. Now to use it as soap just grab a bit, then rub it on your hands till its really bubbley, then rinse.

How to make floam

You will need any type of glue, liquid starch, foam, water, glitter and food coloring is optional . First add one cup of glue in a bowl, then add 1/2 cup of water in the glue then mix. Now is the time to add food coloring and glitter . Now add in 1/2 cup of liquid starch, add it little at a time. Now add in 1 cup of foam, if you wan't you can add more foam. Mix it all together, when its sticks all together bring it out and knead.

How to make fluffy slime

You will need glue, borax, shaving cream and contact solution. First add 1 tbsp of borax in 1 cup of hot water, Stir till dissolved and clear. Now in a bowl put in 1 cup of glue, mix it in with 1/2 of water, 2 tbsp of contact solution and 4 cups of shaving cream. Mix it, then add the borax water, in 1 tbsp at time, just keep adding and stiring, till it comes to a blob. Now knead it till it does not stick anymore. Last add food coloring.  

How to make clay

You will cornstarch, shampoo or hand soap, food coloring is opttional. First add 1 cup of cornstarch in the bowl, now start by adding 1 tablespoon of  of soap or shampoo. Then you knead the clay, keep kneading the clay. If you think you need more soap or shampoo add 1 spoon at a time, just keep adding soap if needed. If you add too much soap add 2 tablespoons of cornstarch. Last add food coloring.

How to make leche flan

You will need, 1 cup of bown sugar, 1/3 cup of water, 8 egg yolks, 2 250 ml packs Nestle all purpose cream and 1 400 gram can of Milkmaid full cream condensed milk. First get a pot of water and a steamer heat the water. Then grab a pan and put it on low put in the suger and water and wait for it to dissolve. Time to make the custerd in large bowl wisk the eggs, Nestle cream and Milkmaid milk, mix gentle. when your suger has turned into carmel put in the mold. Now pour in the custerd in the carameled mold. Let steam till cooked. You will know when its done when you poke it with a tooth pick and its clean when you pull it out. Last step put the cooked leche flan in the refrigerator to cool, then munch up.                                     Thank you Nestle go to the original recipe in

There are milks that aren't dariy

Did you know that some milks are not from cows. Take coconut milk, coconut milk is just shreded coconut, then its squeezed and then there is the milk coming out. Next lets go for poppy milk. to make poppy milk you need to do this. First sock poppy seeds in water for one hour. Next get a cheese cloth, and squeeze the poppy seeds the milk should come out.

What I did today

Today I woke up at noon, I ate a cheese sandwitch and then I wen't to the bathroom to clean my self up.Then I used my tablet for five minutes, after that I fixed my bed. After that I wen't downstairs to check my Facebook. Then I played Dragon city, and then I wen't to blogger to right this down. And thats what I did today.

How to make chocolate fudge

You will need, 2/3 cup Nestle of cream, 1/2 cup of corn syrup, 1/3 cup of brown sugar, 1/4 cup of cocoa powder, 1/4 tsp of salt, 1 cup of semisweet chocolate chips and 2 tbsp of butter. First in a large saucepan combine in the Nestle cream, sugar, syrup, cocoa, salt and 1/2 cup of the chocolate chips. Bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer. Cook for five minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Add remaining chocolate chips and butter. stir until smooth. allow to cool a bit before adding on ice cream. This recipe if from Create with cream, don't forget to check the original recipe. Thank you Nestle.