
Showing posts from 2014

The princess baker

Once upon a time there was a princess that wanted to be a baker but her father did not allow her but her mother was dead.  And then the king told himself I will let my little girl go on her 18 th birthday, so on her 18 th birthday the king said my princess I am letting you go said the king  where I will go father? Said the princess now you may go anywhere you want the king said oh thank you father now I may be a princess baker? Yes you may the king said and she hugged him and got a job at the bakery at night she will  sleep in the castle and when she wakes up she knows that her father loved her.  The End.

The bad boy that became good

Once upon a time there was a boy named Jeramy. Jeramy was a bad boy and he was only five. Everyone in the boy’s family was good, but the boy was bad. The boy had two sisters and one brother. One of Jeramy’s was older than him and his other sister was younger, and his brother was older than him and his big sister. One day his big sister told him to come with her, and Jeramy did. His sister showed him how to be good, it was complicated but she did it. The bad little boy became good the world was happier Jeramy was happier and God was too. The End.

The Ghost Princess and Her sister Ghost

Once upon a time there were ghost princesses.  The older one was named  Daisy, and the five year old was named Bloom. In there they have two kingdoms the ghosts and the zombies. The zombies declared war but Daisy loved a young zombie named Zagaer, and Zagaer  loved Daisy.  And so Zagaer and Daisy had to reason with there fathers. and there reasons worked, so the war stopped the kingdoms were together for the first time. And Daisy and Zagaer were together. The End.                                                                                                        

Nathan's secret

Once upon a time, there   was an princess named Elizabeth. One day she was playing with her sister princess Victoria   and her two brothers the younger prince Eliott and the older prince, Nathan the Elder. The other day the princesses were missing. Nathan said Eliott you distract queen Blessie and king Neil, but said   prince Eliot that noting, so as prince Eliot distract their mom and dad while Nathan was looking, then Nathan found Victoria she was in the kitchen eating Choco sticks she said what no time to take Nathan said Elizabeth is still missing Victoria do you know were she is? Elizabeth told me that she went out to buy more chocolate, than Nathan ran to the super market, and he found Elizabeth so the princess and the prince ran back home as fast as they can mom and dad were at the door they look mad Nathan did you tray to cep a secret? yes mom I’m sorry to tray to cep a secret I will never do it again and they all lived happily ever after. The End