
Showing posts from February, 2018

Elizabeth Blackwell

Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman doctor in the united states. She had a passion for women’s rights, and abolishing slavery. Blackwell was born in Bristle England in 1821. when she was 11 years old her family moved to New York, her father intended to open a sugar refinery in New York like the one he had in England. once settling in America her father was able to see the evils of slavery, and much of the sugar industry relied on the use of people, held as slaves he disliked this very much and moved his family to Cincinnati Ohio, to start a beach sugar farm which wasn’t depended on slave labor. Shortly after they moved, Blackwell’s father died and left the family in deep financial dept. Blackwell and her sister decided to start a school, for young girls to help make ends meat for the family. The school provided some income but soon Blackwell was ready for a new adventure. She visited a friend who had been sick and the friend was telling her about the treatment she had been receiv

Martin Luther King Jr

  Doctor Martin Luther king Jr was an american preacher, humanitarian, and activist who was best known for his role, in the African american civil rights movement, of the 1950's and 1960's. Doctor king who was inspired by his faith, and the peaceful teachings of Maha Magandi, is coinsidred one of history's greatest champions of non-violence. He used the power of his words as well as peaceful demonstrations such as protest, sit-ins, and boycotts in a effort to achieve equality for all people. Doctor Martin Luther king Jr was a true american hero. Martin luther king Jr was born on Tuesday January 15 1929, in a Atlanta Goergea at 12:00 PM. His name a birth was Michael King, his father also named Michael changed both there names, to Martin Luther King in honer of the renowed world German reformer at the same name. Martin Jr was a middle child, he had a older sister named Willie Christine King, and a younger brother named Alfred Daniel Williams King. Martin Jr attended Booker T.

What some more Mother Teresa? Here you go!

    What to know more about Mother Teresa? Well here you go. Mother Teresa began missionary work with the poor in 1948, replacing her traditional Loreto habit with simple white cotton sari with a border. When Mother Teresa adopted Indian citizenship, she had spent several months in Patna to receive basic medical training at the holy hospital and she ventured into the slums. Mother Teresa founded a school in Motijhil, kollkata, and began helping the poor and hungry. On October 1950 Mother Teresa had received Vatican permission for the diocesan congregation, which would be the missionaries to charity. What she said was, it would care for the hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled, the blind, the lepers, all those who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared for throughout society, people that have become a burden to society and are shunned by everyone. By 1997 the 13-member Calcutta congregation had grown to more than 4,000 sisters who had help managed orphanages, AIDS hospices a

More Info About Mother Teresa

More things about Mother Teresa.        In 1950 Mother Teresa founded the missionaries of charity, which is a roman catholic religious congregation which had over 4500 sisters, and was active in 133 countries in 2012. The community was made to help manages homes for people dying from HIV/AIDS, leprosy and tuberculosis. Soup kitchens, dispensaries and mobile clinics were there the help the children, and other families in need. Soon there where programs, orphanages and schools to help as well. Members who took vows to chastity, poverty, and obedience, also profess a forth vow to give to wholehearted free service to the poorest of the poor. Mother Teresa has even received a figure during her life and after her death. Mother Teresa was born Anjeze Gonxhe (or Gonxha) Bojaxihiu. Anjeze is a cognate of Agnes. Gonxha means rosebud or little flower. On September 1946 Mother Teresa experienced what she later described as “the call within the call. Then when she travelled by train to the

Mother Teresa

Who is Mother Teresa? Mother Teresa is a saint and nun who is born on August 26 1910 and died on September 5 1997. Mother Teresa is well known in the catholic church as saint Teresa of Calcutta. Mother Teresa such a kind woman who devoted her life to helping the sick and poor.   Mother Teresa was born in Macedonia to her parents Albanian-descent and taught in India for 17 years Mother Teresa had experienced her “call within the call. Mother Teresa was blessed “Teresa of Calcutta” by Pope John II. Due to Mother Teresa's deteriorating health including her heart, kidney and lung problems, she died at the age of 87. Mother Teresa experienced a calling to devote her life to Christ at the age of 12. After Mother Teresa's death., Mother Teresa is still in the public spotlight for her commitment for helping the ones that needed it. Mother Teresa stands out as one of the greatest humanitarians of the 20th century for her deeds. Mother Teresa has donated so much and has helped million