
Showing posts from April, 2017

What I did for school today

Today I did fractions. For example 1/2  is larger than 1/3, and 1/4 is smaller then 1/3. Then I did multiplication like this. You have 5 rows of apple baskets, and there are 6 apples in one basket. I multiplied and I got the answer. The correct answer is 30. I went to for school today.

How to make chocolate pudding

You will need 3 cups of whole milk, 1/2 cup of white sugar, 1/2 cup of cocoa powder, 3 tbsp of cornstarch, 1 tsp of vanilla extract, and 1 tsp of butter. First in a saucepan sift together the sugar, cocoa powder, cornstarch, and the milk. Second turn the heat on medium-low and keep mixing. Do not stop mixing.Third when the pudding has thickend turn off the heat and add the vanilla and butter. Finally put the pudding in a container to cool. When the pudding has cooled put the pudding in the fridge for a few hours, and then enjoy.

How to make fudgesicles

You will need chocolate chips, milk, cornstarch, cocoa powder, vanilla, coconut oil and sugar. First in a saucepan add 1/4 cup of cocolate chips, 3/4 cup of milk, 1/3 cup sugar, 1 tbsp cornstarch, a pinch of salt and 2 tbsp cocoa powder. Second put the pan on med low heat and whisk till the chocolate is fully melted. Keep whisking for 3 minutes till it thickens. Third add in a tsp on vanilla and tsp of coconut oil. Finally put the fudge in the popsicle mold and freeze overnight . This recipe will only make 2 popsicles.

how to make play doh

You will need salt, flour, vegetable oil and food coloring. First in a big bowl mix together 1 cup of salt, 2 cups of flour, 2 tbsp of oil and 1,5 glasses of water. Keep mixing till it becomes like play doh. Finnaly split the doh to as many colors you wan't, mix the color into the doh and keep kneading untill it does not stick to your hands.

How make a stress ball out of a diaper

You will need a diaper, water, a funnel and a balloon. First pour 3 cup of water into the balloon or until in full risen .Second cut open the diaper and grab a funnel, put the funnel on the balloon. Third put the gel from inside the diaper thro the funnel so it go's into the balloon. Finaly just tie the balloon top into a knot.

How to make a chocolate mugcake

You will need flour, milk, unsweetened cocoa powder, sugar, melted cooconut oil and baking powder. First in a big bowl mix together 1/4 cup of flour, 1 tbsp of cocoa powder and 2 tbsp of sugar. Second pour in 5 tsp of coconut oil and 5 tbsp of milk, and mix the batter again. Third pour the batter in into the the mug, microwave the batter for 1 minute. Finnaly top it with ice cream, powderd sugar or wipped cream.

How to make s'more shake

You will need crushed ice, mini marshmallow, chocolate syrup, M.Y Sans chocolate graham crackers and vanila ice cream. First break the crackers into small bits and put in the bleander. Second put in the ice cream, crushed ice, mallows and the syrup. Third put some syrup in the cup to decorate. Finnaly when you've poured the shake in the cup, top with mini marsmallows and broken grahams.

How to make an ice packs with only 3 ingredients

You will need rubbing alcohol, dish detergent, zip lock bag and food coloring is optinal. First in a big cup mis together 1 cup of water, 1/2 cup of alcohol and a little dish detergent. Now add a little food coloring. Now pour in the solution into the zip lock bag and seal tight. Now all you need to do is freeze.

How to make kid friendly slime

You will need  clear glue, baking soda, contact solution, food coloring and baby oil is optinal. First in a big bowl add in, 1/2 cup of glue, 1/2 tsp of baking soda and 1 to 5 drops of food coloring. If you want to add gliter add it now. Its time to add your contact solution, just eye ball it add a few tsp of solution and stir till you get your slime. Now if your going to add baby oil add a bit now.